This month, before the snow and ice mean precautions outside, use this checklist to safeguard against falls inside your home.
Check the RX label.
Do your medicines list dizziness as a side effect? Many medicine interactions also may cause lightheadedness. Read the labels, use a drug interaction website and talk to your doctor and pharmacist when you begin another medication.
Light the stairs.
Good lighting in the home is essential for safe movement but it is especially important at the top and bottom of stairs, where it is easy to miss a step. Consider night-lights or small wall units to light up the dark side of the staircase.
Wear the rubber-soled slipper.
Or socks, or shoes. Bare feet have good traction, but for the cold-feet among us, wear warmth with slip-resistant soles.
Lose the area rugs.
Yes, they are pretty and warm up the home, but the edges tend to curl up and trip us up. If you must have them, make sure they are backed with skid resistant backing.
Clear the clutter.
In the holiday season we may pile the wrapping, boxes, purchases on the stairs or on the floor; which can quickly mean in the way of walking. Think of the comedic banana peel, only it isn't funny when you are one upended.
We at Always Best Care sincerely wish you all a safe and fall-free holiday!