Monday, July 28, 2014


Picture yourself enjoying these bright yellow hibiscus'.

A hummingbird flies in, hovers in front of each flower, takes a drink from each in turn, then zooms away.

All in the open, no cages; what a beautiful natural experience.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Mango & Broccolli Walk - Every Thursday

Easy trail, old fashioned river view, a turtle seeking the sun!

Enjoy such simple pleasures; invest in yourself; stay active.

Every Thursday @ 9am.  30 minutes; feel free to walk longer…

Neuse River Trail Parking Lot off Old Falls of Neuse Road; email for directions.

Parking lot E in attached map (not the lot for the dam).
Neuse River Greenway Trails Parking Map

Friday, July 18, 2014

The next time you think you can't

I like creating my own content (vs sharing others'), but just have to share this video. WOW!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Seniors' Certainty & Hope Weekly Walk; Thur 17-July

Want to walk on an easy trail with an old fashioned river view?

Please join us Thursday 17-July @ 9am, before the sun gets too hot.

We'll walk for about 30minutes (but feel free to use this opportunity to walk longer if you feel inclined).

These weekly walks are to help seniors stay active and healthy. There will be bottled water to remain hydrated and stay cool.

This week's theme is mango and kale; we'll spend a few minutes discussing how to use these 2 ingredients in a healthy summer smoothie.

We'll meet at the Upper Neuse River Greenway trail head parking lot off Old Falls of Neuse Road (parking lot E on the map below); feel free to email me ( for specific directions if required.

Neuse River Greenway Trails Parking Map

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Kalyani Senior Services, doing business as Always Best Care Senior Services

I am in awe of my Grandmother's contributions to this Universe. During most of her adult years, she was instrumental in building and enriching communities - both culturally and socially. She composed, sang and also played the well known Indian instruments harmonium and esraj in a Bengali community band nestled within the amazing grace of the mighty Himalayas. As an ardent social worker, she established a women's organization that made and sold beautiful hand-knit/woven products, and hosted local cultural events. They taught their art to others, enabling a whole generation of local women to be independent, and created a beautiful community of amazingly generous and conscious women in a world still dominated by men.

My Grandmom did all this while raising two children, one of them physically handicapped, who themselves are blessed with kind hearts. She supported her family physician husband, who indirectly contributed to and supported her social and cultural contributions. As if this wasn't enough, she also raised one of her grandchildren as her own.

I've seen this quiet, yet fiercely independent leader among women transition from constantly looking for ways to give and grow others, to becoming partially and now completely dependent on others for her physical well-being.

Kalyani (my Grandmother) Senior Services, doing business as Always Best Care Senior Services will provide the kind of loving and compassionate care that her daughter (my Mother), son, a few close family members and some wonderful care givers have been providing for her over the past several years. We will create certainty, hope and a sense of belonging that I've seen and felt my Grandmum long for (and I believe our aging seniors do as well in this globally connected yet distant world), as her body gave up after years of catering to her demands on it, so she could make a massive difference in this world. She had been born into a family of renowned historians, physicians, and thought leaders. Is this my way of continuing her legacy? Maybe.